Celebrated every Sunday by prior arrangement. At least one Godparent/Sponsor must be a practicing Catholic who has received Baptism, Eucharist, and Confirmation. Sponsors from outside the parish must obtain a letter of recommendation. Parent Baptism Class is held monthly.
Please call the rectory for reservations or click on the button below.
Contact: Rectory
Phone: 716-754-4118
Are you ready to ask for forgiveness?
St. Peter’s Parish guidelines recommend that your child is ready to prepare for the Sacrament of Reconciliation if the following have been met:
First Holy Communion
Are you ready to receive the presence of Jesus?
St. Peter Parish guidelines recommends, that your child is ready to prepare for the Sacrament of Eucharist if the following have been met:
Are you ready to make a commitment to your faith?
St. Peter’s guidelines recommend that your teen is ready to prepare for the Sacrament of Confirmation if the following have been met:
All arrangements must be made at least six months in advance with the pastor.
Rev. Luke Uebler - Pastor
Rev. Dan Young - Senior Parochial Vicar
Phone: 716-754-4118
Click on the Vocations button below for more information or call
Fr. Luke or Fr. Dan at the rectory,
Annointing of the Sick
Any day or time. Also, if you are scheduled for surgery or in the hospital and would like a pastoral visit, contact the rectory.
Rev. Luke Uebler - Pastor
Rev. Dan Young - Senior Parochial Vicar
Niagara Frontier Catholic Community
St. Peter - Lewiston * St. Bernard - Youngstown
Immaculate Conception - Ransomville
Family Office:
620 Center St
Lewiston, NY 14092
Email Us
P: 716-754-4118 | F: 716-754-4141
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